How to Buy

Any items interested you, simply follow these steps:

1. Text 081802232321, or add my pin (if okay) 23b8fb54 for details of the item interested you. I will directly reply (no longer than 30 minutes) and giving you the details you desire.

2. By considering 'booked the item', you agree to follow the payments instruction I gave you by transferring the total ONLY to the following accounts:
*BCA an. Rahmi Nur Anisa with Acc. No 777.0631.721
*Mandiri an. Rahmi Nur Annisa with Acc. No 131.000.6759.627

3. Booked option only available for max 1x24 hours since you agreed to booked. Exceeding the specified time, your order will be considered cancel and items will be released.

4. Confirm your payment by text/bbm (ONLY to numbers above in point 1) with format: Nama_Alamat_No. HP_Order (Jenis/Warna/Size/Jumlah)

5. Shipping will be done only by JNE. Exceptional request will be considered if the expedition is available in owner's location.

6. I use the Regular Shipping which takes about 1-2 days. Exceeding time is out of my responsibility. Customers will be given the shipping number in case to check online. Exceptional shipping option is acceptable.

 7. Return Policy, read our Terms and Conditions.

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